Senior Kappa Breakfast (August 30, 9AM)
Senior Kappa Breakfast (August 30, 9AM) - The Senior Kappa’s will meet for their monthly breakfast at IHOP on 6151 University Drive NW. POC for this event is Brother Richard Showers.
Senior Kappa Breakfast (August 30, 9AM) - The Senior Kappa’s will meet for their monthly breakfast at IHOP on 6151 University Drive NW. POC for this event is Brother Richard Showers.
The HAC Polemarch will hold the annual Polemarch Retreat where he will be laying out the strategic plan and vision for the 2019-2020 year. Additional details will be provided at a later date.
The Huntsville Alumni Chapter will celebrate June Birthdays and have a Nupes Night out at 6PM at the Huntsville Kappa Achievement Center. Calling all Gemini’s and Cancer’s to come out!!. This is a Brothers Only event and a BYOB affair. Bring a brother with you as this is a chance to BOND and reclaim brothers within the area. All financial and non-financial brothers are welcome. We will also be passing out Taste of Kappa Tickets. If you have any questions please contact Brothers Chestang ( or Chaney ( for additional details.
HAC Chapter Meeting (May 19) – The HAC Monthly meeting will be held on at the HKAC at 6:30PM. POC for this event is Brother Rontario Hicks.
HAC Community Service (May 18) - The HAC will meet at the Downtown Rescue Mission - Main Campus, 1400 Evangel Drive, Huntsville Al 35816, March 23 at 6:30AM-7:30AM. Please arrive at 6:15 if you wish to participate. The Chapter will assist with serving breakfast. If you are attending please wear Jeans and your Kappa Shirt or Sweater. The chapter would also like to provide family sized can goods during this event. POC for this event is Brother Foster Gaddis.
HAC Executive Board Meeting (May 14) – The HAC Executive Board will meet on Tuesday at 1911. All committee leads please send in your reports NLT Monday. All reports are due NLT May 8 POC for this is Brother Rontario Hicks.
National Senior Kappa Week Committee (May 10) – The National Senior Kappa Week Committee will have their first planning meeting at 9AM at the HKAC. Light breakfast snacks will be available. Discussions will surround sites to be visited, all members are encouraged to attend.
Farewell to Brother Jeffery “Prince” Byrd (March 29) – Brothers Brother Byrd’s farewell for will be held at the HKAC from 6PM – Until for his departure from Huntsville to take a new job overseas. This is a BYOB affair.
Kappas at the Kapitol 2019 (March 13-13) – “Kappas at The Kapitol 2019” The tradition continues since 2010. The Southern Province has teamed up with the Florida Conference of Black State Legislators (FCBSL).
Greetings. To echo Polemarch Mack, 2019 will be an sensational and amazing year. To ensure we're following his lead, we will start our monthly activity at the HKAC. On March 8, 2019, there will be a Dominoes and Spades Happy Hour (see the attached flyer). This is a BROTHER's ONLY activity. This will be a great time to BOND and reclaim non-financial Brother's. Bring a Brother with you. Brother's, come out and enjoy yourself.
HAC Board Member
HKAC President
The Revival Committee will meet Kappa Achievement Center on Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 6:15 p.m. As you aware, Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley, Alfred Street Baptist Church, Alexandria, VA, has agreed to be the evangelist for two nights, April 1-2, 2019, we need to discuss this one time change in format as well as an enhanced approached to promoting the revival. Elder Dr. Oscar L. Montgomery, Sr. and the Union Hill Primitive Baptist Church has agreed to host this, our 7th Annual Interdenominational Spring Revival. If it is at all possible, we need your attendance at this meeting.
Huntsville Alumni Chapters' 108th Founders Day Celebration will be Sunday, January 20, 2019 @ the Jackson Center, 6001 Moquin Dr NW, Huntsville, AL 35806. Our Keynote Speaker will be the Senior Grand Vice Polemarch, Brother Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq. There will be a Social Hour starting at 6:00 PM, with the Program beginning at 7:11 PM (1911 hours) *(Non-financial HAC/visiting Brothers will have to purchase tickets at the door for $50). Dues WILL NOT be collected at the door for this event.
RSVP: Please RSVP NLT JANUARY 10, 2019, to ensure we have a good headcount for food and seating. Please respond directly to Brother Carlen "Sonny" Chestang, Jr. (HAC Founders Day Chairman) via email at
HAC Board of Directors, ΚΑΨ
HAC Founders Day Chairman, ΚΑΨ
– The HAC Monthly meeting will be held on at the HKAC at 6:30PM.
Brothers - you are cordially invited to our brothers only event (Alumni and Undergrads) @ the 320 Entertainment Complex. Please wear Kappa Paraphernalia with some form of identification as being a Kappa Man.
Doors open @ 6:11pm - 320 Entertainment Complex - 3208 Long Ave - Huntsville, AL - 35805
14th Annual National Founders Day – (January 4-6) – Registration is open for the National Founders Day. Founders Day will be held at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay, 2900 Bayport Drive Tampa, Florida USA 33607. For Hotel Booking Information call 1-813-874-1234. Please check the link (
HAC Reclamation (September 6) – Monthly Reclamation will be held at Buffalo Wild Wings at 7042 University Drive, 7PM - Until Complete
Greetings Brothers! I just want to reemphasize the note below reference Choir Rehearsal for the 2018 Spring Revival. To ensure we're successful, it's very important that we have the Brother's come out to all the rehearsals...old and new. The 2018 Spring Revival is April 16-18, 2018 therefore, we don't have a lot of time / days to rehearse. If we only rehearse once a week, that's only 6 rehearsals before the revival. If we get there on time, I'm sure we can rehearse in 90 minutes. Let's come together as we always do and "Achieve". See you Wednesday night.
Wednesday night, arch rom 6:30PM-8:30PM. Practice location will be at Liberty Christian Faith Center, 6017 Old Stringfield Rd, Huntsville, AL. Kappa Choir leader, Brother Christopher J. Calhoun, Sr. is requesting choir members and musicians to be in attendance for practice.
Polemarch, HAC
The Huntsville Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. celebrates our 107th Founder's Day on January 21st, 2018 at the Huntsville Country Club @ 2601 Oakwood Avenue - Huntsville - 35810. Our keynote speaker will be Brother Anthony Daniels, Alabama House of Representatives, District 53. All brothers are encouraged to attend! The cost is $50 for non-financial brothers.
We will begin with a social hour at 6pm with dinner and our ceremony starting promptly at 7pm. Please RSVP to our Polemarch @ by January 16, 2018.
Good Evening Brothers,
See the attached info and message from the MTA Committee.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017 & 7:30 pm
Pass along to Interested Candidates, that meet the "criteria." Location of the Interest Meeting: 2404 Country Club Ave NW, Huntsville, AL 35816
If you have questions, please contact MTA CHAIR:
Bro. Steven Cephus, (205) 310-6196
Let's enjoy ourselves at "Kappa Happy Hour" at The Cantina Laredo (Bridge Street) this Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 5:00pm.
Invite any and all visiting Brothers and Brothers that we need to reclaim. We will be also be distributing and collecting ticket money for the " Taste of Kappa" , at this event. This will be our final push Brothers, so let's make it GOOD.
If you have questions, please contact Brother Matthew Frost, (256) 651-9322, Brother Dell Cummings (314) 518-2096, Brother Michael Miller (256) 656-7719 or Brother Ben Ray Harrell (256) 698-6563.
Ben Ray Harrell
July Fraternity meeting will be at 6:30PM, Huntsville Marriott.
Huntsville Alumni/Gamma Phi Chapters' Founders Day Celebration
Any Financial HAC Brother that would like to assist with the Founders Day Committee, there will be a Committee meeting this Wednesday night, January 11 at 6019 Old Stringfield Rd, Huntsville, AL, starting at 8:30 PM to 9:00PM (after Kappa Choir rehearsal).