Brothers All,
Please note below the message from the Silhouette/Sweetheart Committee chairman.
Mark your calendars..........March 23, 2019, HAC Silhouette/Sweetheart Dinner, Rocket City Tavern, 2100 Rideout RD SW, Huntsville ,AL 35808
Time: 6pm- 11:30 pm, $90 Dollars per couple.
Enjoy an Evening of Elegance with Your Silhouette or Sweetheart, You don't want to miss this grand event! Treat Your Lady to a wonderful evening of dinner and live musical entertainment! All while bonding with the Brothers of Huntsville Alumni Chapter. You don't want to miss this event, We will honor the ladies that evening by appreciating them and the beauty they bring into our lives. Dinner will be superb and the entertainment will be more than special! Let's make this the best event possible.
The Cost is ($90.00 PER COUPLE) pays for dinner, gratuity, entertainment, and the venue being closed to our event).
Please contact the brothers below with your intent to attend the affair, Remember: Start gathering an updated PICTURE of Your Lady (2 pictures of her) and one of You and Her together. Deadline for pictures are March 10th.
Finally, the outside patio will be open to any and all brothers to enjoy the evening air with their lady...Thanks
Please contact the committee members listed below for tickets or more information. (Foster Gaddis) (Jay Miller) (Carl Williams) (Matthew Frost) (Marius Dockery)