Brother Aaron Dixon Bestowed With High Honor at the 83rd Grand Chapter Meeting

Brother Aaron Dwayne Dixon & Huntsville Alumni Chapter Polemarch, Brother Carlen J. Chestang, Jr.

Brother Aaron Dwayne Dixon & Huntsville Alumni Chapter Polemarch, Brother Carlen J. Chestang, Jr.


At the 83rd Grand Chapter Meeting in Orlando, Florida, 33nd Grand Polemarch Thomas L. Battles, Jr. bestowed the Guy Levis Grant Award to Aaron Dwayne Dixon. Brother Dixon, initiate of Gamma Phi of Alabama A&M University, was honored with Kappa Alpha Psi's highest recognition for an undergraduate member and congratulated by Brother Battles and the Southern Province Polemarch, Bertram K. Orum. Brother Dixon was recognized for "exemplary and extra meritorious collegiate community activities that reflectively advanced the Fraternity's image."

The Guy Levis Grant Award is one of five individual honors presented by Kappa Alpha Psi at its annual or bi-annual Grand Chapter meetings. It was established in 1974 at the 59th Grand Chapter Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, by 21st Grand Polemarch Elbert E. Allen. The award is named after the fraternity's founder, Guy Levis Grant. The award was first presented in 1976 at the 60th Grand Chapter Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The Guy Levis Grant Award is the highest award reserved solely for undergraduate members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity; it is bestowed upon collegiate members who demonstrate scholarship, community leadership, and meritorious achievement in school, as well as in the local community or region. Recipients are selected based on petitions submitted to the Achievement Commission, a 13-member committee appointed by the Grand Polemarch.  Polemarch Carlen J. Chestang, Jr. and all members of the Huntsville Alumni Chapter salute Brother Aaron Dwayne Dixon on this high honor.